Are endangered or threatened species on your job site? EnviroScience can conduct surveys and coordination to keep your project moving forward.
Our biologists hold specific collection permits across the U.S. to complete habitat assessments and species-specific surveys for state and federally endangered and threatened species including:
- Freshwater Mussel Surveys and Salvage / Relocations / Translocations (including Diving Surveys, Quadrats, and Brailing)
- Endangered Bats (including Mist Net and Acoustic Surveys)
- Burrowing Owls
- Birds of Prey
- Botanical Surveys / Plant Inventory
- Eastern Hellbender Salamander
- Reptile and Amphibian Surveys (including Massasauga and Timber Rattlesnake Surveys)
- Running Buffalo Clover and other Vegetative Surveys
- Crayfish (including Guyandotte River and Big Sandy Crayfish Surveys)
- Bee / Pollinator Surveys (including Rusty Patched Bumble Bee)
- Dragonfly / Odonate and other Insects / Macroinvertebrates
- Small Mammals
- Migratory Bird / Waterfowl Surveys
- American Eel Surveys / Ramps / Traps
- Fish Surveys (includes Electrofishing, Diving, Seine Nets, Trawling, Ichthyoplankton)
- NPDES 316(a) and 316(b) Fish Impingement / Entrainment and Thermal Studies
- Non-Invasive Methods (Camera Traps, eDNA, Passive Integrated Transponder [PIT] Tagging)
For a project estimate or more information about our services, please submit your information below:
If you need a response within an hour or less, please call us at 800-940-4025.