Teal Richards-Dimitrie Becomes Natural Resource Practice Area Lead

February 6, 2020
Natural Resource

We are excited to announce that Teal Richards-Dimitrie has been selected as a Practice Area Lead for our Natural Resource Practice Area.  This position focuses on expanding EnviroScience’s expertise in natural resource services as well as developing our strategies for the future throughout the United States.   Specifically, Teal is focused on supporting client needs and markets that intersect with natural resources/terrestrial ecology. 

Teal is a herpetologist by training with experience working on a wide range of wildlife projects. She has worked in many regions of the United States on a variety of taxa with varying state and federal status (Arizona [Desert tortoise, reptile and amphibian inventory], California [Pacific salmonids, Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog, Tailed Frog, Torrent Salamander, Pacific Giant Salamander, Western Pond Turtle, obligate aquatic birds], Florida [amphibian and reptile communities], Illinois [Blanding’s and Spotted Turtle], Maryland [Northern Map Turtle, forest amphibian communities, turtle communities], New Mexico [Dunes Sagebrush Lizard, Lesser Prairie Chicken], New York [Bog Turtle, Spotted Turtle, reptile and amphibian communities], Ohio [reptile and amphibian inventory, Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake surveys, listed turtle coordination/surveys], Pennsylvania [Bog Turtle], Massachusetts [Blanding’s Turtle and associated turtle community, Texas [reptile and amphibian inventory]). 

Natural Resource

Teal has over ten years of reptile and amphibian field survey experience, including threatened and endangered species surveys, visual encounter surveys, capture-mark-recapture techniques, radio telemetry, habitat identification and measurement, acoustic monitoring surveys, phlebotomy, and environmental-DNA collection.  Teal also has considerable experience with wetland and stream services and permitting, GIS surveys, and stream classification.