EnviroScience Spring 2024 Quarterly Update

Have you heard?

The Spring 2024 Edition of EnviroScience’s Quarterly Update is now available. This quarter’s newsletter features:

  • EnviroScience’s New Sustainability Services
  • USEPA Passes PFAS Final Rule to Establish Enforceable Drinking Water Standards
  • Volunteers Wanted for 2024 Spring River Cleanup
  • EnviroScience’s 2024 Seminar on Environmental Outlook & Emerging Technologies
  • Protecting the Elusive Bog Turtle: Spotlight on Expert Stan Boder
  • EnviroScience Employees of the Month
  • Join the Growing EnviroScience Family! (Current EnviroScience Openings)
  • Links to Social Media Posts This Quarter

Click here to see what’s new this quarter!

EnviroScience Spring 2024 Quarterly Update

Like What You See?

EnviroScience is pleased to share its quarterly update with respected colleagues to provide the latest company news, industry updates, and important regulatory changes. Only your name and email address are required, we never share your information with anyone, and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

USEPA Passes Final Rule on Six PFAS Compounds

USEPA Passes Final Rule to Establish Enforceable Drinking Water Standards on Six PFAS Compounds

On April 10, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) finalized new drinking water standards for six PFAS compounds, following up on the proposed rule from March of the previous year. The new standards limit PFOA and PFOS levels to 4 parts per trillion. They’ve also set a cap of 10 parts per trillion for PFHxS, PFNA, and GenX chemicals. For mixtures containing two or more of PFHxS, PFNA, GenX, and PFBS, a combined Hazard Index of 1.0 will be used to measure safety.

In addition to these standards, the USEPA is allocating $1 billion to assist states and territories with PFAS testing and treatment initiatives.

Just two days before, on April 8, the USEPA released Interim Guidance for the Destruction and Disposal of PFAS. This document reviews three technologies—underground injection, landfills, and thermal treatment—and provides options for temporary storage. While it sets no mandatory requirements, the USEPA is calling for public feedback over the next 180 days and plans to revise the guidance within three years. 


Every Drop Counts: The Invisible Threat of PFAS in Our Drinking Water

The fight against PFAS pollution is a testament to the ongoing efforts to protect our planet and public health. With the USEPA’s recent regulatory updates and the expertise of our team’s professionals, EnviroScience stands ready to lead the charge. We are not just responding to environmental challenges; we’re anticipating them, ensuring our clients and communities can confidently navigate the future of environmental stewardship.

Visit our PFAS Sampling & Mitigation Services webpage for more information on how our robust team of experts can help identify solutions to your projects where PFAS are an area of concern. Under the guidance of Dr. Kevin Custer, EnviroScience will help you navigate your project’s PFAS challenges.

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

PFAS Regulatory Updates to Address Invisible Hazards

In environmental protection, the battle against invisible threats often goes unnoticed by the public eye. Yet, recent PFAS regulatory updates presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) have brought a crucial contender into the spotlight: per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These synthetic chemicals, omnipresent in our daily lives—from non-stick cookware to firefighting foams—have raised concerns due to their environmental persistence and potential health risks.

Navigating the Future: Keeping Up with PFAS Regulatory UpdatesWith the USEPA’s recent Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) Influent Study under Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 15, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) PFAS reporting requirements, proposed rule under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the release of two PFAS testing methods, understanding PFAS has never been more critical.

At EnviroScience, we are at the forefront of this emerging field, bolstered by the expertise of our Senior Environmental Toxicologist, Kevin Custer, Ph.D.

Understanding PFAS in Layman’s Terms

Beyond the Surface: The Hidden Legacy of PFAS in Our LandfillsImagine chemical substances so persistent that they don’t break down in nature—that’s PFAS for you. These PFAS chemicals are unique due to their carbon-fluorine bonds. They are found in countless consumer products and are known for their oil, water, grease, and heat-resistant properties.

These “Forever Chemicals” have a knack for sticking around in our environment and bodies, causing adverse human health effects such as liver and kidney cancers, as well as thyroid, reproductive, and developmental effects.

Recognizing the risks, the USEPA is taking steps toward regulatory updates to safeguard our water and soil from contamination.

Enter EnviroScience PFAS Expert Dr. Kevin Custer

EnviroScience Senior Environmental Toxicologist Dr. Kevin CusterEnviroScience prides itself on having a team of dedicated experts like Dr. Kevin Custer, an aquatic ecotoxicologist and a PFAS subject matter expert. Dr. Custer’s career journey from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service to EnviroScience showcases a deep commitment to understanding and mitigating environmental contaminants.

Dr. Custer’s work—particularly in aquatic environments—positions EnviroScience uniquely to address the challenges posed by PFAS through comprehensive field sampling, data analysis, and compliance strategies.

What the Newly Proposed PFAS Regulatory Updates Mean

Recently, the USEPA entered into the Federal Register its intent to submit an Information Collection Request to the Office of Management Budget for the POTW Influent PFAS Study under Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 15. Under the POTW Influent PFAS Study, the USEPA will perform a two-phased approach to sample 200-300 of the highest flow POTWs and up to 2000 Industrial Users (IUs) in the U.S. The study will test the POTW influent, effluent, sludge/biosolids, and IU effluent using Method 1633 and Method 1621. The public comment period closes on May 28, 2024.       

Convenience at a Cost: Unveiling PFAS in Our Nonstick CookwareThe USEPA has updated the definition of a PFAS chemical substance in TSCA Section 8(a)(7), and the chemical substance must meet one of three defined PFAS chemical structural definitions found in this rule. These PFAS reporting requirements under this rule are for TSCA chemical substances that were manufactured going back to 2011.

The USEPA has identified 1,462 PFAS from the known TSCA universe that have been manufactured or in commerce since 2006, including any chemicals submitted under the USEPA’s TSCA New Chemicals Program. There are specific entities that are required to report under TSCA. If an entity falls under TSCA reporting requirements, there are a couple of important items to note under this rule: no reporter exemptions and no minimum volume/concentration exemptions.   

The USEPA proposed rulemaking to designate nine PFAS under RCRA because studies are showing toxic and adverse health effects on humans and animals from PFAS exposures. This proposed rule will potentially affect hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities with solid waste management units. The public comment period closes on April 8, 2024, so watch for updates as the USEPA moves this proposed rule forward.  

The USEPA’s actions signal a shift towards stricter oversight and management of PFAS. This means adapting to new testing protocols and potentially reevaluating waste management practices for industries and municipalities. The release of Method 1633 allows for the quantification of up to 40 PFAS compounds in a host of environmental matrices. While Method 1621 serves as a screening tool, this method indicates if organofluorines (carbon-fluorine bonds) are present in water and wastewater. Together, these methods guide stakeholders in identifying and addressing PFAS presence.

EnviroScience’s Role in Addressing PFAS Regulatory Updates

EnviroScience remains at the cutting edge of environmental consulting as regulations evolve, equipped to navigate the complexities of PFAS detection, field sampling, data analysis, and compliance.

From Soil to Harvest: Unseen PFAS on Our Fields

Our capabilities extend beyond testing, encompassing a holistic approach to environmental challenges that leverages our team’s extensive knowledge and multidisciplinary expertise. Whether it’s conducting detailed analyses for water and wastewater or developing strategies for environmental compliance, EnviroScience offers a robust suite of services tailored to meet the needs of our clients in this new regulatory landscape.

How EnviroScience Can Help Your Project’s PFAS Challenges

Every Drop Counts: The Invisible Threat of PFAS in Our Drinking Water

The fight against PFAS pollution is a testament to the ongoing efforts to protect our planet and public health. With the USEPA’s recent regulatory updates and the expertise of our team’s professionals, EnviroScience stands ready to lead the charge. We are not just responding to environmental challenges; we’re anticipating them, ensuring our clients and communities can confidently navigate the future of environmental stewardship.

Visit our PFAS Sampling & Mitigation Services webpage for more information on how our robust team of experts can help identify solutions to your projects where PFAS are an area of concern. 


Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

Make Your Business More Sustainable Today

Welcome to a pivotal moment in business evolution, where sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity. At EnviroScience, Inc., we understand that integrating sustainability into your business practices benefits not just the environment but also your bottom line, enhancing brand reputation and appealing to eco-conscious stakeholders.

Sustainability has morphed from a trend into the core of successful businesses, addressing climate change, resource conservation, and strategic resource use. It encompasses three crucial dimensions: environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Each dimension plays a vital role in ensuring a balanced approach to sustainable business practices, focusing on protecting natural resources, maintaining profitability while adhering to corporate social responsibilities, and building inclusive, equitable societies.

EnviroScience Introduces New Sustainability Services Line

Taking the First Step Towards Sustainability

Begin your sustainability journey by evaluating your operations to identify environmental impacts and areas for improvement. Consider energy consumption, water usage, waste management, business travel, and supply chain practices. If you’re unsure where to start, our team of experts at EnviroScience, Inc. can guide you through this assessment.

Set Ambitions and Targets:
Establish clear, measurable, and achievable goals tailored to your industry’s sustainability priorities. Aim for impactful changes such as reducing business travel, optimizing energy use, supporting local communities, sourcing sustainably, minimizing waste, and transitioning to plant-based options.

Spread Awareness:
Foster a culture of sustainability within your team by educating them on the importance of eco-friendly choices and encouraging innovative ideas for sustainable practices. Recognize and reward contributions to further motivate your team.

Implement Green Practices:
Put your sustainability plan into action with practices suited to your industry’s specific needs. For industries like oil and gas, this could mean improving data use to minimize waste, revisiting extraction processes to conserve water, recycling water and used oil, reducing methane emissions, and adopting renewable energy sources.

Track and Register Progress:
Monitor your sustainability journey, measuring progress against your set targets. Sharing these achievements with stakeholders not only builds trust but also reinforces your commitment to sustainability.

EnviroScience Introduces New Sustainability Services Line Featuring Sustainability and Resilience Manager Aana Agrawal


Introducing Our New Sustainability Services

EnviroScience Sustainability & Resilience Manager Aana AgrawalWe’re excited to announce our new Sustainability Services line, led by Aana Agrawal, a dedicated professional passionate about driving sustainable change. Discover how we can support your sustainability goals by visiting our Sustainability Services page.

Together, let’s embark on a journey to make your business more sustainable, creating a positive impact for today and generations to come.

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.



Volunteers Wanted for 2024 Spring River Cleanup

It’s that time of year again; it’s time for EnviroScience’s 2024 Spring River Cleanup!

For over 20 years, our Corporate Responsibility Committee (CRC) has been hosting a biannual river cleanup event to help fish out debris from the Little Cuyahoga River in Akron, Ohio. This spring’s event is slated to take place on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, and we’re looking for volunteers of all ages to help us in this effort.

This is an employee-led tradition that EnviroScience has spearheaded since 2002—bringing EnviroScience employees, family members, loved ones, and community members together to remove trash from the Little Cuyahoga River and the Ohio & Erie Canal while raising awareness of the litter problem in our local streams.

2023 EnviroScience Fall River Cleanup Event - Post Cleanup

This has always been a fun event; all ages are welcome, and we need all the help we can get! Here’s what you need to know:

EnviroScience 2023 Fall River Cleanup EventWho: Anyone willing to help! We’ve had volunteers of all ages at this biannual event.

When: Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Where: Mustill Store, 57 West North Street, Akron, Ohio 44304 (Check-in at the tables)

What to Wear: Old clothes and shoes that you don’t mind getting wet/dirty and waders or rubber boots if you have them. (We may have extra waders and rubber boots for those who don’t have them.)

Registration: No formal registration is necessary; however, adults will be required to sign a waiver onsite. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult who is authorized to sign the waiver on their behalf.

Questions: Any questions should be directed to Michael Liptak.

EnviroScience will provide gloves, snacks, and drinks.

Join in on the fun as we help clean up our local river. Who knows what we’ll find this year? We hope to see you there on Saturday, April 20, 2024!

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

2024 Seminar on Environmental Outlook & Emerging Technologies

EnviroScience recently hosted its 2024 Seminar, “Environmental Outlook and Emerging Technologies,” at the Leona Farris Lodge in Silver Springs Park—a gathering that epitomized our commitment to our clients, environmental stewardship, and innovation. We were thrilled to have over 75 environmental professionals from across the U.S. join us for a day filled with insightful presentations, thought-provoking discussions, and an exclusive open house at our headquarters in Stow, Ohio.

The Journey Through Environmental Expertise

The seminar commenced with a compelling keynote address by our President, Jamie Krejsa. Attendees were captivated and reminded of their crucial role in the environmental sector as he guided them through EnviroScience’s evolution—from its humble beginnings and the technologies used in the early 1990s to today’s cutting-edge technologies. This journey reinforced our mission and highlighted the indispensable role of emerging technologies in fostering an efficient, sustainable future.

Presenters at EnviroScience's 2024 Seminar on Environmental Outlook and Emerging Technologies

Presenters at EnviroScience’s 2024 Seminar on Environmental Outlook and Emerging Technologies

Dr. Michael Liptak, our esteemed Senior Ecologist, led a session on the most recent Regulatory Updates to the Clean Water Act, a topic of utmost relevance in our ever-evolving environmental landscape. His comprehensive analysis was enlightening and reflective of the dynamic legal terrain we navigate. The presentation sparked lively discussions during the Q&A portion, with environmental professionals in the audience actively contributing thought-provoking questions and insights.

The discourse on emerging environmental contaminants took a significant turn when Dr. Kevin Custer, our esteemed Senior Environmental Toxicologist, delivered a session titled “Understanding PFAS: What They Are and Why They Are Important.” Dr. Custer’s presentation demystified PFAS—a group of “Forever Chemicals” that persist in the environment, accumulate in humans and animals, and cause adverse health effects. His illuminating talk underscored the complexities and impacts of these concerning chemicals, emphasizing the urgent need for awareness and action.

Louis McMahon, Partner at McMahon DeGulis, LLP, followed with his presentation on “Environmental Policy in 2024 and Beyond.” All in attendance appreciated his forward-thinking look at the trajectory of environmental law.

Dr. Liptak again took the stage with an engaging session entitled “Introduction to Native Pollinator Habitat and Its Uses.” Co-created by federally permitted rusty patched bumble bee and EnviroScience pollinator expert Carlyn Rocazella, this compelling presentation underscored biodiversity’s critical role in ecological stability. Dr. Liptak adeptly covered both presentations, demonstrating his exceptional adaptability and unwavering dedication.

The final presentation was a wild ride into the advancements in remote sensing and processing technology that are now available and have applications in almost every environmental industry. Sean Donegan, President and CEO of Satelytics, Inc., captivated the audience with his presentation “Advances in Satellite Data and Geospatial Analytics,” providing real-time examples of how this technology is revolutionizing environmental monitoring. The potential applications and implications discussed sparked a lively and informative Q&A session.

Learning Through an Interactive Experience

Holly Gessel, our Proposal Manager and Lead Editor, emphasized our commitment to professional development in her presentation on “Continuing Education Credit Opportunities and Requirements.”

The seminar concluded with heartfelt closing remarks that summarized the day’s learnings and laid the groundwork for the subsequent networking reception at our corporate office. This was followed by an open house and guided tours of our EnviroScience headquarters, offering attendees a unique glimpse into the heart of our environmental solutions.

A Sustained Commitment to Excellence

Our 2024 seminar exemplifies the collaborative spirit and intellectual curiosity at the core of EnviroScience. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the presenters and participants who contributed to making this event a success.

We extend our special thanks to our presenting partners, McMahon DeGulis, LLP, and Satelytics, Inc., for contributing their unique perspectives and expertise. Their invaluable insights and the collaborative efforts showcased at the seminar are testaments to the cutting-edge content and updates we share through our newsletter and social media channels. We encourage you to sign up for the EnviroScience Quarterly Newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter).

Stay connected for more updates and opportunities to engage with us as we continue to lead the way and pioneer innovative solutions in the realm of environmental consulting. Together, we’re paving the path toward a more sustainable and technologically integrated future.

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

Protecting the Elusive Bog Turtle: Spotlight on Expert Stan Boder

EnviroScience Senior Herpetologist Stan Boder, a USFWS-Qualified Bog Turtle Surveyor, Carefully Observes the Critically Endangered Bog TurtleThe Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii), a critically endangered species, has found a champion in our Senior Herpetologist, Stan Boder. Stan is not just passionate about these creatures; he is also a Qualified Bog Turtle Surveyor through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania. This recognition is significant, given the Bog Turtle’s precarious status.

Listed as threatened since 1997, the Bog Turtle is among the most imperiled species in North America. Found from Vermont to Georgia and as far west as Ohio, these turtles are particularly vulnerable in Pennsylvania, where their habitat intersects with suburban development.

Bog Turtles are the smallest turtles in North America, easily identifiable by the bright yellow or orange blotches on each side of their head and neck. They thrive in wet meadows and boggy areas, feeding on small invertebrates. However, they face numerous threats, including habitat destruction and invasive species.

To protect these turtles, the USFWS mandates comprehensive surveys within their range. These surveys are critical for assessing habitats and determining the presence of Bog Turtles. They are divided into three phases:

Phase 1: Evaluating wetland suitability based on soil, hydrology, and vegetation.

Phase 2: Conducting visual surveys in suitable habitats to confirm the presence of Bog Turtles.

Phase 3: Trapping efforts in dense vegetation areas or where visual surveys are inconclusive.

Stan Boder, with his specialized training and permits, is at the forefront of these efforts. He conducts these surveys and plays a pivotal role in on-site construction monitoring to ensure the protection of these habitats.

Stan’s dedication exemplifies our commitment to conservation. Through his work, we’re not just complying with regulations; we’re actively participating in the preservation of a species that is an irreplaceable part of our natural heritage. Join us in celebrating Stan’s contribution to the protection of the Bog Turtle. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these remarkable creatures.

To learn more about our incredibly talented team of herpetologists and how EnviroScience can help you properly navigate federal and state regulations that protect threatened and endangered species on your next project, visit our Reptile & Amphibian Survey webpage.

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Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

Winter 2024 Quarterly Update

Have you heard?

The Winter 2024 Edition of EnviroScience’s Quarterly Update is now available. This quarter’s newsletter features:

  • EnviroScience’s Upcoming “Environmental Outlook and Emerging Technologies” Seminar (earn free CEUs!)
  • Clement Riddle Appointed North Carolina Land & Water Fund Trustee
  • EnviroScience Certifications through the Ohio EPA & the Society for Freshwater Science
  • Dan Schweitzer Promoted to Environmental Compliance Operations Manager
  • EnviroScience Restores Native Vegetation to Duck Creek
  • Mike Naymik Accepts Transportation Project Manager Position
  • EnviroScience Restoration EIT Liz Myers Transforms Pollution into Art
  • Laura Sayre Awarded Inaugural Hammer of Honor
  • 2023 Mike Trump Chili Cookoff Nourishes Hearts and Communities
  • EnviroScience Employees of the Month
  • Join the Growing EnviroScience Family! (Current EnviroScience Openings)
  • Links to Social Media Posts This Quarter

Click here to see what’s new this quarter!

EnviroScience Winter 2024 Quarterly Update

Like What You See?

EnviroScience is pleased to share its quarterly update with respected colleagues to provide the latest company news, industry updates, and important regulatory changes. Only your name and email address are required, we never share your information with anyone, and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

EnviroScience Restoration Work Earns AAPA Lighthouse Award

EnviroScience Restoration Work Earns American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) Lighthouse Beacon Award of Excellence in the category of Environmental ImprovementWe are proud to announce that Joe Cappel, Vice President of Business Development for the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority, recently accepted the Lighthouse Award of Excellence in the category of Environmental Improvement from the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) at its annual convention held in Denver, Colorado, for the Wetland Restoration Project at Duck Creek (Mitigation), in which EnviroScience played an integral role.

With funding from Governor Mike DeWine’s H2Ohio grant program, EnviroScience, Inc., RiverReach Construction, and Geo. Gradel Co. joined a coalition of team members—including Midwest Terminals of Toledo, Inc., Cleveland-Cliffs, and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources—to assist the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority in restoring a severely degraded stream and wetland system along Duck Creek in the City of Toledo, Ohio.

Restoration services included the redesign, construction, invasive management, and revegetation of the stream and wetland system to support diverse populations of native wildlife within the Lake Erie basin. By mitigating degradation caused by industrial development and restoring the stream channel to its natural form, the coalition successfully improved ecological function and water quality within and beyond the restoration project area. 

The project design replaced 1,440 linear feet of channelized Duck Creek, an unnatural, man-made impairment, with 2,055 linear feet of naturalized stream. 8.25 acres of existing wetland were restored by removing aggressive invasive species such as common reed (Phragmites spp.) and installing native vegetation, including wildflowers and trees. An additional 2.31 acres of wetland were designed and constructed to strengthen the restored wetland system and provide further habitat for native wildlife. Finally, 10.37 acres of spoil, the excess earthen materials left over from the construction of the Cleveland-Cliffs facility onsite, was seeded for pollinator habitat.

EnviroScience Ecological Restoration Team at H2Ohio Duck Creek Restoration Project Site

We are extraordinarily proud of the dedication, hard work, and environmental stewardship performed by all team members of the coalition. The Lighthouse Award of Excellence in the category of Environmental Improvement is a well-earned recognition of our capabilities, our commitment to excellence, and our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety.

Click here for more details about how EnviroScience helped restore native vegetation for the Wetland Restoration Project at Duck Creek (Mitigation).

Click here for more information about how our Ecological Restoration Services can help solve any environmental challenge

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.

2023 Mike Trump Chili Cookoff Nourishes Hearts & Communities

Honoring the legacy of our late colleague, Mike Trump, the employee-led Corporate Responsibility Committee (CRC) at EnviroScience recently held its 2023 Mike Trump Chili Cookoff. This event not only celebrated his memory but also made a significant impact on our local charities, embodying the essence of community and care.

Staff members from EnviroScience and ACRT Services submitted chili entries this year. For a charitable donation of $10 each, employees were able to enjoy a lunch that included 18 different chili tastings, salads, side dishes, bread, and desserts and afforded them the opportunity to vote for this year’s winner. Aligning with our environmental commitment, participants were encouraged to bring their own utensils, a small yet significant step towards sustainability.

2023 Mike Trump Chili Cookoff | EnviroScience

Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank: A Cornerstone of Compassion

Proceeds from our annual chili cookoff benefit the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank (ACRF), a pivotal force in addressing hunger across eight counties in Northeast Ohio since 1982. In 2022 alone, they distributed 30 million pounds of food and other essential items, provided 23.3 million meals, and welcomed the support of 7,400 volunteers who donated over 55,000 hours of service​​.

The ACRF operates under a mission to lead a collaborative network that empowers people to experience healthy and hunger-free lives, focusing on values such as compassion, collaboration, service, integrity, inclusion, and innovation. As a member of Feeding America, they work tirelessly to serve communities where hunger is most prevalent, especially among children and seniors​​.

2023 Chili Cookoff Yields Record-Breaking Donation to the ACRF

We are thrilled to report that $750 was raised from employee participation in this year’s event, and the CRC agreed to contribute another $700, which means our total donation was $1,450. Even more exciting is that this donation was delivered to the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank on “Double Dollar Day,” which means the ACRF matched our donation—bringing it to $2,900, the most we have ever donated.

Collectively, staff member donations will help to provide thousands of meals to underserved Northeast Ohioans this winter when they need it most. The ACRF has since reported that due to the incredible support of the community and efforts like ours, enough funds were raised to help provide enough food for more than 900,000 meals to neighbors in need this holiday season!

Bulldog Bags: Supporting Children’s Nutrition Needs

Another important initiative supported by the annual chili cookoff is Bulldog Bags, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing students on the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program, or otherwise qualified, in the Stow-Munroe Falls area by providing take-home breakfasts and lunches on the weekends while not in school.

Under the awesome leadership of Wetlands Operations Manager Emmalisa Kennedy, the CRC concurrently ran a Food Drive during the event to aid in this effort. We are thrilled to report that two large boxes of food items, such as oatmeal packets, hot chocolate, microwave popcorn, juice boxes, boxed dry goods, ramen noodles, granola bars, and canned goods, were collected for this cause. The organization also collects personal items such as dental floss, toothpaste, and toothbrushes to support the personal care needs of children in addition to their nutritional needs.

Coat Drive: Wrapping the Community in Warmth

In addition to these food-centric charities, the cookoff also played host to our annual Kids and Adults Coat Drive to benefit the efforts of Portage County Catholic Charities. The CRC’s purchase of $250 worth of coats is a testament to our employees’ commitment to providing warmth and comfort to those facing the harsh winter months. This drive is crucial for helping individuals, especially in Portage County and surrounding areas, where the need for warm clothing is a pressing concern during winter.

Chili Cookoff Winners and Event Highlights

This year’s chili cookoff was a stellar success, with an array of chili varieties prepared by enthusiastic participants. EnviroScience Health & Safety Officer Tim Willaman walked away with the coveted, first-place wooden spoon for his “Who Dat Thursday Night Chili.” Our runner-up was HR Business Partner Shannon Cecconi from ACRT Services, and tying for third place was EnviroScience Senior Ecologist Michael Liptak and Director of Marine Services Phil Mathias.

Mike Trump's wife, Kristen, Dubs EnviroScience Health & Safety Officer Tim Willlaman the Winner of the 2023 Mike Trump Chili Cookoff

Mike Trump’s wife, Kristen, Dubs EnviroScience Health & Safety Officer Tim Willlaman the Winner of the 2023 Mike Trump Chili Cookoff for his “Who Dat Thursday Night Chili.”

The event also paid homage to Mike Trump with a dedicated memorial sign, a gesture that deeply moved his wife, Kristen, and all attendees. Mike was a talented project designer, a dear friend, and a chili aficionado—winning the first-ever chili cookoff.

Event Takeaways

The 2023 Mike Trump Chili Cookoff was a vibrant example of how a group of individuals, a company, and a community can come together to make a significant difference. The event’s success not only honors Mike Trump’s memory but also strengthens our resolve to support those in need. As we look forward to future events, we remain dedicated to upholding these values of compassion, community service, and environmental stewardship.

Few environmental firms in the country retain EnviroScience’s degree of scientific know-how, talent, and capability under one roof. The diverse backgrounds of our biologists, environmental engineers, scientists, and divers enable us to provide comprehensive in-house services and an integrated approach to solving environmental challenges—saving clients time, reducing costs, and ensuring high-quality results.

Our client guarantee is to provide “Excellence in Any Environment,” meaning no matter what we do, we will deliver on our Core Values of respect, client advocacy, quality work, accountability, teamwork, and safety. EnviroScience was created with the concept that we could solve complex problems by empowering great people. This concept still holds true today as our scientists explore the latest environmental legislation and regulations and incorporate the most up-to-date technology to gather and report data.

EnviroScience expertise includes but is not limited to aquatic surveys (including macroinvertebrate surveys and biological assessments); ecological restoration; ecological services (including impact assessments, invasive species control, and water quality monitoring);  emergency response; engineering and compliance services; endangered mussel surveys; laboratory and analysis; stormwater management; threatened and endangered species; and wetlands and streams (including delineation and mitigation). Further, EnviroScience is one of the few biological firms in the country that is a general member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) and offers full-service commercial diving services.