EnviroScience President Discusses His Battle with Multiple Sclerosis on “America’s Work Force”
Below: President Jamie Krejsa was interviewed by Ed “Flash” Ferenc, host of America’s Work Force.
STOW, OH (July 25, 2015) – EnviroScience’s own President, Jamie Krejsa, has been battling multiple sclerosis for 23 years. A couple of years ago, he announced that he had the disease after discovering that several of his employees also suffer from it.
Mr. Krejsa was recently interviewed by Ed “Flash” Ferenc, host of the radio station America’s Work Force, whose daughters also have multiple sclerosis. During the interview, Mr. Krejsa talks in detail about his personal experience with the disease and his support for the National MS Society’s Buckeye Breakaway event—a lengthy 150 mile bike ride from Brunswick High School to Ashland University and back to raise awareness and funds for the fight against MS. Every year, thousands of riders participate in this event.
Mr. Krejsa and his team, called “Team ES against MS”, is likely the only group in the region that has three team members suffering from the disease. The team is also unique because team members raise additional funds outside of their individual goals. The group is set to raise nearly $11,000 this year through additional fundraising efforts.
Mr. Krejsa also talks about how there are still a lot of questions surrounding the disease, and that years ago he made the decision to ignore some experts and continue exercising every day. The belief that exercise worsens the disease has since been debunked. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that exercising helps lessen symptoms of multiple sclerosis (Source). Mr. Krejsa is a living example of this philosophy. He admits he has good days and bad days, but swears routine exercise and other lifestyle choices has kept his MS in check.
“I’ve really taken pride in exercising and eating right as well as a healthy attitude to fight MS…My attitude has been ‘I control my MS,’” Krejsa said.
The Buckeye Breakaway has since passed and the event had a great turnout of both bikers and supporters. Many of Mr. Krejsa’s teammates were extremely sore the next day, but Mr. Krejsa was fine.