ES Wins Huge Task Orders for the 2015 National Coastal Condition Assessment


(From left to right) Task Order Leader Jamie Krejsa, Task Order Coordinator Jamie Singer, and Task Order Coordinator Nicole Jordan will oversee logistics support, training, and field sampling.

October 23, 2014

EnviroScience, Inc. (ES) and Great Lakes Environmental Center, Inc. (GLEC) are teaming up to aid the U.S. EPA in evaluating the nation’s coastal conditions in contracts valued at over $2.5 million. Both companies will provide support with training, sampling, supplies, and laboratory rebatching for the 2015 National Coastal Condition Assessment (NCCA).

The NCCA is a nationwide survey that is evaluated every 5 years. It is designed to catalogue and track the ecological health of our marine and Great Lake coasts through indicators such as water chemistry, fish, sediment, algae, and bacteria. The analytical results of these sampling events can be a catalyst for coastal monitoring and assessment programs to protect and improve U.S. water quality and standards.

Task Order 21: 2015 NCCA Logistics Support & Training

The logistical support and training for Task Order 21 (TO21) is already underway and is valued at around $1 million. GLEC’s training experience combined with ES’s expertise in managing large scale events (such as the 2013-2014 NRSA), budgets, and contract deliverables makes a perfect team for managing TO21. TO21 will be closely monitored by a few key personnel:

  • Task Order Leader Jamie Krejsa will oversee main objectives and manage budgetary and administrative performance.
  • Alternate Task Order Leader Marty Hilovsky will act as a stand-in for the Task Order Leader as needed.
  • QA Officer Rhonda Mendel will oversee data collection and compliance with NCCA procedures.
  • Task Order Coordinator Jamie Singer will oversee training, Assistance Visit schedules, shipments, ordering of materials, budgets, and deliverables.
  • Alternate Task Order Coordinator Nicole Jordan will provide additional support to the Task Order Coordinator as needed, as well as provide budgetary monitoring.

Task Order 20: 2015 NCCA Field Sampling

Task Order 20 (TO20) will start in January 2015 and is valued at around $1.5 million. The work includes seven field sampling teams, as many as 434 sampling events, and will span across Washington, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Rhode Island, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Some sampling tasks include, but are not limited to, water quality sampling, benthic macroinvertebrate sampling, sediment sampling, and fish collection. These samples are collected according to EPA protocol and will be analyzed and compared to the probabilistic study of the NARS programs. TO20 will be managed by a few key personnel:

  • Task Order Leader Jamie Krejsa will oversee all Contractor Field Sampling Teams.
  • Task Order Coordinator Nicole Jordan will provide logistical support and help oversee progress and compliance with NCCA procedures.
  • Dave Czayka, Nick Schell, Paul Anderson, and Kyle Borrowman will be Field Crew Leaders and trainers for the NCCA sampling efforts.
  • ES QA Officer Rhonda Mendel will oversee progress, compliance, QA activities, and help resolve any issues that arise.
  • Project QA Advisor Marty Hilovsky will help the QA Officer oversee progress, compliance, and internal audits, and act as Alternate Task Order Leader if needed.
  • Health & Safety Officer Tim Willaman will monitor health & safety training and compliance.

EnviroScience has a long history of managing large-scale sampling events over multiple regions. Our attention to protocols, budgets, and rigorous health and safety measures continue to set ES apart from competitors. These two contracts will provide a platform for ES staff to highlight their strengths and talents. Congratulations to Jamie Krejsa, Nicole Jordan, Jamie Singer, Marty Hilovsky, and all of those who helped draft this winning proposal. Your hard work is a perfect example of the ambition, professionalism, and excellence that represents EnviroScience!